Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Early Fall 2008 (Part 3)

Early Fall 2008 (Part 3)

It was a cold day for October today, but I headed out anyways to see how the trees were developing in color here in Kernersville and Winston. The day was already getting late so I decided against the 45 minute ride out towards King. I am a bit confused as to when "full on peak fall" is supposed to hit this area, but either I am clueless or nature is confused by the weather patterns. Some trees are brilliant red, orange, or yellow, while others are still green. Even more strange is coming across a tree with zero leaves. I guess the change is progressive. My best hope of getting dense color is to probably find a forest trail where all of the trees are working in coordination. Before I know it, winter will be here. If the weather continues with temperatures dropping, we should see some snow this year. January 2008 brought us a little bit of snow - just enough to run out and grab a few snapshots. Time will soon bring temperatures cooler than fleece capable, so dig out your coats and OJ gloves.

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