Today's entry follows up on Tuesday evening's "in studio" photo shoot where I experimented for the first time with controlled lighting for portraiture. I have spent quite a few hours pouring over the images in search of things to improve upon. The beauty of the internet is that I have access to thousands of professional photographers' online portfolios and websites. Quick comparisons of other's work versus mine quickly highlight areas of improvement. This weblog has been a great journal to document my personal progress.
For this entry I decided to try my hand at creating stock images using techniques I have spent many hours reading up on. I had always wondered how photographers managed

Setup and shooting took all of about 25 minutes. I took about 34 photos before I had decided I had gotten the shots I needed. If you are wondering where the full length bottle shots went, I must admit that metering the bottle and lime together was not working out. The bottle would expose wonderfully while the lime looked like a piece of white ice up top. If I spot metered the lime, then I got some other funky exposure issues on the bottle. Only one shot managed to look right but I just didn't find it suitable to share. Post production included the usual - histogram adjustments, hue correction on the lime, and a bit of color saturation to really bring out the blue poster board.

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